Apex Legends players divided over new system to unlock Monsters skins

Apex Legends players are divided over huge changes to unlocking skins in the Halloween event, with Respawn removing the ability to purchase them individually with coins.

For Apex Legends players, October is one of the most exciting months of the year when it comes to content due to the annual Halloween event.

This year is no different, with the Monsters Within event kicking off on October 12 and introducing the new ‘Encore’ Arenas map, a set of scary skins, as well as a host of fresh objectives to complete.

Despite this, not every addition in the upcoming spooky event has been well received by the player base, with the changes to crafting and skin collection dividing the community in two.

Apex Legends Monsters Within kicks off on October 12.

Apex Legends skin collection changes split community in two

Respawn has made some significant changes to the way players can collect and craft skins in the Monsters Within event and the community is debating whether the new system is better for the game.

Instead of being able to purchase spooky skins with premium currency individually, players have to buy an event pack or craft the cosmetic with materials. However, the devs have doubled the amount it costs to craft them with materials, making them incredibly expensive.

Although Respawn has promised to lower the prices after a few seasons, some players are frustrated they have to rely on the random chance of packs to pick up skins.

Others argue that being able to craft the skins using materials is a positive change for those who prefer to spend less money on the game. A thread posted by NizzyDeniro sparked a conversation regarding the issue on the Apex Legends subreddit.

During the Halloween Event you CANNOT outright purchase the skins you want. You HAVE to spend $4 on an Event Pack or craft the item you want for double the Crafting cost (2400 – Legendary. 800 – Epic.) There are 40 items and each pack only guarantees ONE random Event item. WTF RESPAWN?????? from apexlegends

It’s obvious from the comments on the thread that there are players on both sides of the debate, with some arguing that by the time the material prices are reduced, Halloween skins will no longer be sought-after: “In two seasons it’ll be f***ing March. Why would I want to wait to craft the Halloween skins in March?”

Others are happy that Respawn is adding these skins to the normal pool of skins, making them attainable all year round: “I know it sucks not being able to purchase exactly what you want, but it’s because they’re permanent additions now”.

It’ll be interesting to see if this is a one-off experiment for Respawn, or if this will be the new permanent skin system going forward.

Without the ability to buy the skins they want, some players won’t take the risk of buying packs, as they may get cosmetics for Legends they don’t play.
