Trainwrecks freaks out after stream sniping "weirdos" fire lasers at house

Tyler ‘Trainwrecks’ Niknam freaked out after a stream sniper fired a green laser through his apartment window while he was streaming live on Twitch.

Twitch streamers have been subject to more arson attacks, home invasions, and police swattings than ever before in 2021. And it’s gotten so severe, it’s forcing some of them, like Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel, to leave their homes.

Trainwrecks was the next in line to experience the “terrifying” reality of being an internet star after an apparent stream sniper fired a green laser through his apartment window.

It might not have been as severe as other incidents, but it left him rattled.

The incident had Trainwrecks rattled.

‘What the f**k?” he said, looking around to try and figure out what it was. ‘What the f**k was that?” And after he sat down after looking out the window, it happened again, causing him to panic and move out of the way.

“Where the f**k is that coming from?” he added, trying to pinpoint the source.

Then, after explaining the situation to his girlfriend, he tells her he’ll “handle it” and closes all of the blinds. “Pretty sure that’s f**king illegal, isn’t it?”

He called them “f**king weirdos” and told fans he closed the blinds due to the “weird vibes.” And he said if it really was stream snipers trying to find his apartment, their behavior was “shameless and disgusting.”

Trainwrecks and his fans were deeply disturbed by the incident. Hopefully, it’s the first and last time it happens.

Although it could have been ‘harmless fun’ in the eyes of the person who did it, the consensus is that it wasn’t appropriate and shouldn’t happen again.

Don’t be surprised if Trainwrecks leaves the blinds closed while streaming from now on to discourage them from doing it again.
