Valorant Bind map guide: Callouts, strategies, more

As you play Valorant, it quickly becomes apparent how important knowing each of the maps like the back of your hand really is. In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at the ins and outs of Bind.

Bind has two Reactor Sites, the same as Ascent and Split, but what sets it apart is the pair of teleporters that can take players from one end of the map to the other in a flash, which means plenty of surprises on offense and defense.

With that in mind, we’d recommend familiarizing yourself with the Reactor Site locations and map callouts below, since we’ll be referring to them throughout this guide.

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You don’t need to have every single callout memorized as long as you know what know the main ones like Showers, Hookah, Market, and a few others mean. As always, remember that it’s better to communicate with your team somehow than to just be a brick wall for the whole match.

Compared to Haven and its three Reactor Sites, Bind presents a much simpler problem to solve for attackers, but it can also be easier to defend on the other side of things. Either way, everyone always has to play both, so let’s take a look at some good offensive setups to start off.

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How to play Attack on Bind

Reactor Site A

We’ll begin with the A-Site, which has two main ways to attack: through A Short, and down through A Lobby/Long to Showers. 

Agents headed down Short will want to bring medium to long-range weapons like the Vandal, since once you make it through the alley, you’ll probably have to deal with an enemy up in Heaven all the way across the point.

Over in Showers, short to medium range guns are your best bet, as the room you have to move through in order to reach the Site will most likely involve some close-quarters combat.

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Brimstone’s smokes make him a good option for any team attacking A, especially since he can call them down with precision and completely cut off line-of-sight from the sniper position in Heaven.

When it comes to planting on A, if you don’t have control of Heaven of the defender’s side, planting on the attacker’s side of the tall boxes on site, or just on point by the truck is usually a good call for a quick strike.

Reactor Site B

As on A, there are two main ways to access B on offense. Through Market/Link and into B Short to attack the point from the window in Hookah, or B Long, which takes you around by the Teleporter to Showers.


While B Long has some tight spaces towards the point, it’s usually where longer-ranged duels happen. Medium to close-range weapons are well-suited for B Short, where you’ll also have to watch out for enemies coming through the teleporter from A.

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Omen can be deadly when attacking B, if you know how to use him to bypass the more troublesome areas to push through and catch defending agents off-guard. When it comes to planting, just inside the Tunnel on the attacker’s side can be covered from the B Long entrance, and if placed directly in front of the box/tunnel, the spike can be covered from Hookah.


How to play as Defender on Bind

Reactor Site A

There are three main areas to keep in mind when playing defense on A Site: Tower/Heaven, Showers, and A Short right up the middle. Tower is arguably the most important spot for defenders on A. From here you can see both showers and A Short, and either take action or inform your team appropriately. The best plan of action is for the player in Tower to cover one entrance, and another player down on the ground covering the other.

If Tower gets smoked out by attackers, you can either drop down onto point if you have no fear of death, or you could take the safer option and go down the ramp and post up in Vents just off the point. Jett’s mobility makes her a great defender on A as she can hop on top of the crates and boxes, but Cypher and his kit can definitely help hold things down as well.

Reactor Site B

On B, players with long to mid-range weapons should cover B Long, but don’t get excited and push so far that you can’t easily retreat behind some cover should the attacking team push your direction with multiple players. Setting up in Hookah is a popular option for covering B Short. A cheeky play is to set up on the boxes in the far corner to take attackers by surprise, but once your position is revealed, you basically become a sitting duck.

A talented Cypher can do some serious damage defending B Site, but Phoenix and Reyna are also good options because of their flashbang abilities, which can make Hookah a very annoying place to push. A trick some teams like to pull is to send a defender through the teleporter from A Short to B Short, but the teleporters are noisy and if you don’t time it right, the enemy will know you’re coming.

This might seem like a lot of info to wrap your head around, especially if you haven’t spent a lot of time playing Valorant or similar games before. But after a few matches, you’ll start to get the hang of things and become more familiar with the maps and how to play on them as you learn.

As we said earlier, communicating with your team is one of the most important things you can do in Valorant, so even if you don’t have every inch of the map memorized, working together and communicating as a team can help make playing both attack and defence a bit simpler when Bind pops up.

Image credits: Riot Games.
