Apex Legends players furious after being "robbed" by Apex Packs with missing items

While the hype for Apex Legends Season 10 is nearing a fever-pitch in the final week before release, some players have been left with a bad taste in their mouths heading into the new season after being “robbed” by glitched Apex Packs.

Apex Legends Season 10 is fast approaching its release date of August 3. Despite the anticipation for Season 10‘s launch, however, players have plenty of concerns heading into Emergence, such as worries about server stability and the power level of the game’s new Legend: Seer.

Now, in the final days of Season 9, some Apex Legends fans are being hit with a mysterious bug involving their Apex Packs (the primary source of acquiring cosmetics and crafting materials in-game), and are voicing concerns over losing out on their hard-earned items.

Apex Legends players aren’t happy about missing out on a third of their new items.

Reports of the bug first began to circulate during the final week of Season 9, when players began sharing their experiences with bugged Apex Packs that only gave them two new items or sets of crafting materials instead of the standard three items per-pack.

One player shared a video on Reddit of a freshly opened pack that gave them two sets of crafting materials, but had nothing in the last item slot — meaning a third of the contents were missing. “Why did this happen? Can I please get my stuff?” they asked.

…So why did this happen? Can i please get my stuff? from apexlegends

While some players questioned whether the loading screen had glitched, and a new item or set of materials had appeared in the player’s inventory, the poster was adamant that they had been slighted: ” I don’t care if it wasn’t [a high-rarity item], I still want the stuff I paid for.”

Others reported running into the same issue, but coupled with a server error being fed to them by the game that hinted at the reason behind these missing items. It appeared the rewards they were supposed to receive did exist, but weren’t present in the game — yet.

Um… So did I just get an unfinished Skin or what? from apexlegends

One fan shared an image of the error message, which read “Some items in the Apex Pack have not been authored in the game yet.” The poster then speculated on the cause of the glitch: “Did I just get an unfinished skin or what?”

Players speculated in the comments that the bug could involve items coming to the game in Season 10, like cosmetics for Seer and the game’s new Rampage LMG — both being added in Emergence.

“Maybe the game is trying to give [you] Seer’s stuff, but since Seer isn’t in the game, it’s f**king up?” one reply read. Despite the potential explanation, other fans didn’t feel it justified the missing items: “I felt robbed [that] I only got 2 items in the [bugged] packs,” another player replied.

Respawn pushes out fix for bugged Apex Packs

After reports of the glitched Apex Packs began building up steam on social media, Respawn was quick to jump in and let the community know they were aware of the issue and investigating potential resolutions.

Fortunately, that resolution came only a few hours later, and Respawn confirmed that a fix had been pushed out to address the glitch. They also revealed the source of the bug was not related to Season 10 items, but “was caused by a new Lifeline tracker configured to drop in Apex Packs too early.”


P.S. Heirloom shards don’t appear to have been affected by this issue, despite widely-circulating images implying otherwise.

Keep it real, Legends.

— Respawn (@Respawn) July 31, 2021

Respawn will also compensate fans for their troubles, and confirmed that “affected players will be granted a make-good pack and will find the tracker in their inventory after the 10.0 update.” The dev also specified that, despite some reports, Heirloom shards seem to have been unaffected by the bug.

Thanks to Respawn’s quick resolution, you won’t need to hold off on redeeming your Apex Packs after all. Feel free to cash in on any packs you receive before Season 10 kicks off on August 3, as you won’t be able to acquire any unreleased skins after all.
