Smash Ultimate Waluigi DLC fighter hopes dashed as “dark orchid” leak debunked

Fans hoping to see Waluigi round out Smash Ultimate’s Fighter Pass Volume 2 got a glimmer of hope after a file was discovered on the Nintendo website suggesting the final DLC would be associated with the color purple only for it to be debunked shortly after.

Waluigi has been one of the most popular and rumored Smash Ultimate fighter candidates since before the game was even released. Although the Mario franchise has a large number of representatives already, the purple-themed antithesis to Luigi has been absent, instead limited to a mere Assist Trophy.

Things seemed to finally be going his way, however, after a leak was posted on the GameFaqs message boards on August 22, indicating the final character could be associated with the color “dark orchid” – a shade of purple.

The thread basically explained that on Nintendo’s website, all of the DLC fighters have their own color listing such as crimson for Kazuya, goldenrod for Min Min, and forest green for Sephiroth.

Someone asked me to cover this leak, i did some research and this file has nothing to do with the Smash site. They are "standard" setting created by other company that Nintendo use for it's website.
So there isn't a specific colour for the next fighter#SmashBrosUltimate

— Samus Hunter | Nintendo Leak inside (@SamusHunter2) August 23, 2021

Dark Orchid Smash leak debunked

“Dark orchid” seemed to be the color associated with the final DLC, which, as a shade of purple, suggested the character could be connected to it and what better color match would there be than Waluigi?

At first, fans were very excited at the prospect of Waluigi coming to Smash. Although he hadn’t been confirmed just yet, his stock certainly rose before it came crashing down, just like with GameStop.

Before the party could even get underway, user MrJudd on SmashBoards explained that “dark orchid” belongs to a file on Nintendo’s eShop and isn’t exclusive to the Smash page.

UPDATE: it has been debunked

— 🌱Vet🍃 (@Vet_093) August 22, 2021

“This file is not exclusive to the Smash pages, you can also find it in any of the DLC pages by inspecting the page,” they explained. “For example, I looked at the Blazblue DLC page here and it still was there, with no differences.”

“The reason people fell for this is because the colors sounded too similar to the ones used by the pass, but this is nothing more than a coincidence,” they added. “The eShop uses PNGs, so no hardcoded color would be there. Not only that, but all pages use a gold background which has nothing to do with Smash’s website.”

Of course, this debunk caused the Waluigi fandom to let out a collective sigh.

I knew it was too good to be true.
Remember the days of real leaks? Well, those days are over because Nintendo has everything under super tight wrap.

— awesomelink234 (@awesomelink234) August 22, 2021

Smash fans upset after Waluigi leak

“I knew it was too good to be true. Remember the days of real leaks? Well, those days are over because Nintendo has everything under super tight wrap,” one fan disappointedly remarked.

“RIP,” many others simply wrote.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem like the final character will be associated with the color purple, at least not from anything we can tell just yet. Waluigi is still a very possible character, but he’s always been a bit of a wildcard.

Could Waluigi go from Assist Trophy to a full fighter?

Assist Trophies have never been upgraded to full fighters before, so there’s no telling what would happen if Waluigi was added – would another trophy replace his? Plus, Waluigi has never had a full game to himself before, so there’s no telling what Sakurai would do for a stage or even his moveset.


In any case, the mystery of the final Smash DLC continues. The remaining fighter is scheduled to release by December, 2021.
