Sienna Mae denies Jack Wright’s allegations of sexual assault

TikToker Sienna Mae Gomez has denied Jack Wright’s allegations that she sexually assaulted him, after she lost over 300,000 followers following Wright’s YouTube video about the situation.

When Jack Wright’s friend Mason Rizzo accused Sienna Mae Gomez of sexually assaulting Wright in May 2021, Gomez firmly denied the claims. She then took a month-long break from the internet after a video began circulating allegedly showing her groping an unconscious Wright, which she claimed was edited and taken out of context.

On January 20, 2022, Wright posted a video to YouTube titled ‘What Sienna Mae did to me,’ in which he explained his side of events, and accused Gomez of multiple instances of inappropriate behavior.

He claimed that: “She would break into my house and when I was sound asleep she would come into my room and I’d wake up to her hand in my pants.” The video reignited outrage against Gomez, and she lost over 300,000 TikTok followers after the video was posted.

Sienna Mae responds to assault allegations

Now, in a blog titled ‘Sienna Mae Gomez: Reflections from an 18-Year Old Me’ posted to Medium, Sienna has responded to Wright’s claims.

After explaining how she got to know Wright and discussing some of the events from the past year, she wrote: “And then came Jack. I was really grateful to know someone already in the social media world and we had so much fun together.

“But as someone I loved and still love, I’m devastated that he made me sound crazy and twisted so many things out of context in his most recent video, to the point of literally painting me into the “loud”, “crazy”, “overly sexualized” stereotype that people try to use on young, especially Latina, women. It sucks and I’m still unpacking that.”

She claimed that she never broke into Wright’s house, and that she had the garage door code because he gave it to her. Gomez also claimed she “never stalked” him, and never sat outside his house in the middle of the night.

Sienna Mae is a TikToker with around 14 million followers, but that number is now declining.

The TikToker went on to say: “All Jack and I ever did was kiss. I have never seen, felt, or touched him naked. We spent several nights at the Hype House together but I never grabbed him asleep or awake. Yet I’m still being called a “rapist” across the internet by those who don’t understand the meaning of the word.”

She said that looking back, there were some things she would have done differently. Gomez claimed she wishes she could take back the two videos addressing the situation she uploaded to YouTube, apologizing to sexual assault survivors she “offended with [her] ignorance.”


She went on to explain her reflections on consent. “I understand now that when you’re in a relationship, there needs to be a very open and honest conversation about consent even before sexual acts,” she said, “even if it’s holding hands, hugging, and being affectionate in a friendly manner.”

Sienna addressed allegations in a two-part YouTube video uploaded in July of 2021.

Sienna Mae apologizes to Jack Wright

Towards the end of the post, Gomez directly addressed Wright and apologized, saying: “Jack, if you are reading this: I apologize if there were times that I made you feel uncomfortable. I am sorry if anything I ever did triggered other things you have experienced or any feelings of discomfort.


“But anything I did, I did unknowingly, as our physical relationship on camera was one of closeness and familiarity that I had known to carry into our “real” lives. That said, there is a distinct line between that and sexual assault. I’m so sad that this is where we ended up, and even more so that I’m now being used in a new and even more hurtful way.”

Speaking to NBC, a representative for Gomez also stated: “Unfortunately, Jack Wright continues his campaign to slander Sienna Mae Gomez with further false accusations. His latest falsehoods in the highly edited video show that once again Jack is making a calculated action to hinder, hurt and harm not only Sienna’s reputation and livelihood but her as an individual human being as well.”

Gomez’s follower count continues to plummet across multiple platforms in response to the allegations against her.
