Apex Legends support badges to return after mysteriously disappearing

Apex Legends players have reported that their support badges, for causes such as Black Lives Matter and Suicide Awareness, have disappeared from their cosmetics pages. Thankfully, the developers have confirmed they will be back.

Just like other battle royales, Respawn Entertainment has given players a way to stand out from the crowd with their tracker badges and banners. These items are shown to other players when you win a game or eliminate them, so some players take great care and attention to picking the ones they show off.

In addition to showing off just how good of an Apex player you are, Respawn have also joined the fight for different social and cultural movements, issuing badges for Pride Month, Suicide Awareness, Stop Asian Hate, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Many players are proud to display these badges on their banner, but as of October 26, they disappeared into thin air.

Respawn have helped raise awareness for a number of social movements.

What happened to Apex Legends support badges?

A number of players have reported the issue across social media, asking if it was an intentional move by the developers or not and if the badges have been removed for good.

With it just happening out of the blue, it appears to be a widespread bug that is affecting the badges, rather than an actual change.

It turns out that the badges were removed due to “changes made in preparation for the next seasonal event.” But, there is good news to come.

Heads up: The Pride, BLM, Stop Asian Hate, and Suicide Prevention badges are temporarily unavailable due to changes made in preparation for the next seasonal update.

But don't worry! These badges will be back and permanently available for ALL players after the update on Nov 2.

— Respawn (@Respawn) October 27, 2021

Will Apex’s support badges come back?

Respawn has confirmed that the badges will be reinstated at the start of Season 11, on November 2.

Ryan Rigney, head of comms at Respawn, said that having these badges as login rewards “made sense at the time”, but prevented some players from being able to get them.

These social awareness badges were all previously structured as "login rewards," which made sense at the time, but kept some players from getting them later down the road. This change will fix that 👇https://t.co/ENSQwfrOYN

— Ryan K. Rigney (@RKRigney) October 27, 2021

Now, rather than only being granted to players who logged in during the right month to claim the badges originally, they will be made available to all players of Apex Legends.
