Excellent Pathfinder Passive idea gives him the buff he needs in Apex Legends

An Apex Legends player has developed a simple Pathfinder Passive concept and the community is desperate for Respawn to add it to the game.

When it comes to big outplays, there are very few Legends that can do it better than Pathfinder with his iconic Grapple Hook.

The ability makes him one of the most mobile and fun characters to play on the entire roster, which explains why he’s currently sitting at an 8.8% pick rate.

Despite this, since the update to Recon Legends, the Forward Scout’s Passive ability has been rendered useless and the community has been asking Respawn to address the issue for multiple seasons.

Well, instead of waiting for the problem to be fixed, an Apex player has taken it upon themselves to develop a Passive concept and its simplicity has made it extremely popular.

Pathfinder is the fourth most popular Legend in Apex.

Pathfinder Passive concept gives his ziplines a huge buff

Created by Apex Legends YouTuber bobz on the R5Reloaded server, the Passive is called ‘Happy Travels’ and is incredibly simple.

The ability allows Pathfinder to use consumables such as Shield Batteries and Med Kits while using ziplines.

Although this seems relatively insignificant at first, it actually gives his Ultimate a huge buff, especially when dipping in out of gunfights using ziplines.

Not only that, it’s massively helpful while using Jump Towers to escape enemies, as you’d usually be forced to remain on low health while ascending up into the air.

It’s safe to say the reaction to bobz’s concept from the community has been overwhelmingly positive with a lot of players praising the idea for its refreshing simplicity.

This change wouldn’t skyrocket Pathfinder to the top of the meta, but it would give him an extra mechanic and provide him with a much-needed Passive ability.

Fingers crossed Respawn takes notes and potentially even replicates bobz’s idea for the main game.
