Adrian's Kickback TikTok event broken up by police after thousands show up

The viral TikTok event – Adrian’s Kickback – got broken up by police after thousands of people turned up to be involved with the birthday party in California, with arrests reportedly being made as well.

For years, people have been organizing huge parties through social media. Some go off without any issue, but there are always a few that don’t end too well.

On May 20, a viral TikTok started doing the rounds, inviting anyone and everyone to Adrian’s Kickback, a birthday party to be held in Huntington Beach, California.

Even before the supposed party date of May 22, hundreds of people traveled to SoCal to see if it was actually happening. Well, when it did happen, things didn’t go all that well.

The original TikTok advertising the event has since been deleted.

In the days prior, large groups of people had reportedly turned up to the party and caused a bit of a ruckus on the beach with loud music and partying.

However, when the actual party date came around, things got further out of hand as thousands of people, loud music, fireworks, and alcohol combined for an unruly mix.

Viral videos of the event showed attendees crowding out roads, dancing on top of cars, among other things. Of course, the police showed up to try and disperse the groups, but that caused further disruption as riot spray was used to break up the crowds and stuff was thrown in their direction.

Officers deploying riot munitions while declaring an unlawful assembly. #adrianskickback

— CHIP NOOO (@chip_nooo) May 23, 2021

LA videographer Sean Beckner-Carmitchel further reported that some stores in the area were vandalized with graffiti, there was a disturbance at a house, as well as arrests being made.

Ultimately, police were able to clear up the area as the large crowd shrunk down from thousands of party-goers to just a few hundred.

Additional officers moving into the home. #adrianskickback

— Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) May 23, 2021

Missed the bottle being thrown, but another return fire into the crowd. #adrianskickback

— Sean Carmitchel (@ACatWithNews) May 23, 2021

It’s no surprise that the party was as big as it was, given that the Adrian Kickback’s hashtag had reportedly close to 200 million views on TikTok, and had spread across other platforms.

There were claims that some big TikTok stars would be attending as well, but there’s nothing confirms about who turned up and who didn’t.

We’ll have to wait and see if there is any further aftermath.
