Apex Legends player becomes first to reach 100k Ranked Points

A former professional Apex Legends player turned Twitch streamer has achieved the highest ever rank in the game’s history, hitting an unbelievable 100k ranked points before the end of the split.

As with any competitive title, certain players take their rank extremely seriously and want to climb to the top of the ranked ladder. This is no different in Apex Legends, where reaching ‘Apex Predator’ is an incredibly difficult task reserved only for the best of the best.

In order to hit the game’s highest-ranked tier, you need to be in the top 500 players for any of the available platforms. This is entirely dependent on the number of ranked points you have. As there is no threshold to hit ‘Apex Predator’, it means the required ranked points to stay in the tier are constantly going up as the split goes on.

Well, an Apex player has seemingly achieved the impossible, reaching 100k points and becoming the highest-ranked ‘Apex Predator’ of all time.

Season 7’s ranked split reset is planned for December 15.

Apex player achieves highest-rank ever reached in-game

Apex Legends player Trenton ‘lou’ Clements managed to hit the incredible milestone on December 13, making him the highest-ranked ‘Apex Predator’ of all time.

“First person on PC to hit 100000 RP in a single split on @PlayApex!, “he tweeted. “Thanks to all my supporters and family that’s helped me through tough times! I am so overwhelmed with happiness and I have worked so hard to be where I am at. Thank you!”

The achievement is even more impressive when you incorporate the matchmaking issues ranked players are encountering at the moment.

First person on PC to hit 100000 RP in a single split on @PlayApex! Thanks to all my supporters and family thats helped me through tough times! I am so overwhelmed with happiness and I have worked so hard to be where I am at. Thank you! pic.twitter.com/cZiMT3Ixz4

— Lou (@LouStreams) December 13, 2020

It’s insane to think a player has reached over 100,000 thousand ranked points in a single split. It makes you wonder how long it’ll be before the record is broken as the bar is now set so high.

Either way, the Apex Legends community will be tipping their hats to Lou for setting a record that defies expectation and will, undoubtedly, hold its positions for a long time to come.
