Apex Legends players call on Respawn to nerf Gibraltar amid "boring" meta

Apex Legends players are calling on the battle royale’s developers at Respawn Entertainment to nerf Gibraltar, with the gentle giant sitting at 100% pick rate in the most recent rounds of the North American ALGS. 

One of the game’s base legends, Gibraltar has been perpetually popular in Respawn’s battle royale. His all-around abilities and defensive playstyle have made him a go-to for many players wanting a reliable legend in most scenarios.

Nerfs in recent seasons have seen him drop in viability and popularity slightly, currently sitting twelfth with a pick rate of 3.3% in all Apex matches.

However, it’s at high-level Apex where the gentle giant really thrives, with his recent pick rate in the Apex Legends Global Series sitting at 100%, meaning he is picked in every match. That, for some players, represents the need for a change.

Gibby is Apex’s very own lovable giant.

One Redditor pointed this out in a frustrated post on April 2, commenting: “Gibraltar literally has a 100% pick rate at the highest level of play. Can he just please get a nerf already?”

Attached was an image breaking down which legends have been picked at the NA’s ALGS Split 1, with Gibby well out in front on 100%, picked 140/140 times.

In second place – but some way behind Gibby – was Loba, whose pick rate sits at just over 29.3%. It does suggest that, among pros at least, picking Gibby is a no-brainer and he is essential in every match.

Gibraltar literally has a 100% pick rate at the highest level of play. Can he just PLEASE get a nerf already? from apexlegends

While that’s not the case in matches at lower levels, it still led to many players echoing the OP’s sentiment and calling for a nerf or rework.

One said: “More like a rework, literally the most boring character to play, and nerfing him will just make him unplayable depending on how they nerf him.” Another suggested a nerf, commenting: “Just give his shield a health pool, adjust HP as you see fit.”

Naturally, Respawn will have the final call on any Gibby changes but, with him being played 100% of the time in the NA ALGS, there does look to be a case for tweaking some his abilities.
