Apex Legends players double down on calls for solo queue changes in Season 13

Apex Legends players are calling on the devs at Respawn to make adjustments to solo-queuing, as complaints about teammates and matchmaking continue into Season 13. 

Solo queuing has long been a contentious topic in the Apex Legends community. The devs’ refusal to implement Solos as anything more than a LTM has upset some players who do not have teammates they can regularly drop in with.

TSM pro ImperialHal has defended the developers and stated that Apex Legends is inherently a team game but others continue to lobby for improved systems to allow solo players to enjoy games to a greater extent.

Solos in Apex are a much sought after mode, but the developers aren’t budging.

That has remained true in Season 13, which dropped on May 10 and brought Newcastle into the Storm Point party.

On May 15, one Redditor hit out at the state of solo queuing in Season 13, describing it as at “an all time” low.

They called for changes to matchmaking and RP changes, saying: “If I gain less points for killing lower ranked players then I need to lose less RP when they are on my team. Solo queue is at an all-time worst. I have more Bronze and Rookie players on my team then Gold which is my rank.”

If I gain less points for killing lower ranked players then I need to lose less RP when they are on my team from apexlegends

Another player echoed the sentiment and hit out at being forced into teams with players they have blocked while solo-queuing. “I don’t mind having longer Q times,” they said, “but if I block a person, it’s because they were extremely toxic before. Your reporting system doesn’t work or doesn’t care. So at least let me manage my games.”

As of the publication of this article, Respawn continue to stand strong on the position of Solos in Apex Legends but, with many players forced into teams they do not enjoy, calls for mitigating features will surely continue to grow.
