Apex Legends players call for Legend reworks in place of another new character

Apex Legends players have called on Respawn to focus on Legend reworks in upcoming seasons instead of releasing new characters.

Season 13 of Apex Legends is on the cusp of releasing and Newcastle will be the new face arriving in the Outlands on May 10.

Although excitement is at an all-time high for Saviors, some members of the community are calling on Respawn to shift their focus in upcoming major updates.

Instead of adding new characters in every single season, players have suggested that the devs take the time to rework certain Legends that are underused or outdated.

With Mirage, Lifeline, Revenant, and Gibraltar all being frequently mentioned by players as desperately needing changes, this would give Respawn the opportunity to address their issues.

Season 13 of Apex Legends is set to arrive on May 10, 2022.

Apex Legends players want reworks over new characters

During a dev Q&A ahead of the Season 13 update, Dexerto asked Senior Character Designer Devan McGuire whether there could be a point where Apex has too many characters and whether Legend releases may slow down in the future?

In response, he revealed that although there are no plans to change the pattern of Legend releases at the moment, they don’t want to “saturate the pool” and may consider it in the future.

This sparked a discussion on Twitter and Reddit between a lot of players who liked the idea and suggested that Respawn take the time to rework characters instead of releasing new Legends.

“We don’t need new legends we need some of the older legends to be reworked into ones worth using… no more tiny changes that don’t change anything, give them meaningful passives and abilities.”

We don't need new legends we need some of the older legends to be reworked into ones worth using. No more 10 second cooldown tweaks, decreased time to detonation(i.e. Bang), no more tiny changes that don't change anything. Give them meaningful passives and abilities.

— BlazinAzn (@BlazinAzn7) May 3, 2022

Apex Legends YouTuber Thordan Smash even mentioned the idea of an “Operation Health” update that strictly focuses on improving bugs and gameplay, a suggestion that has been previously dismissed by the devs in the past.

This would give Respawn an opportunity to address multiple character reworks in a single season, but it would likely mean significantly less new content compared to a standard update.

Maybe even some sort of like idk operation health…

— GG ThordanSmash (@Thordansmash) May 3, 2022

Either way, with the Apex roster reaching a total of 21 Legends with Newcastle in Season 13, it seems likely that the devs will have to slow down new arrivals at some point in the near future.

Major overhauls could be the solution, but they also pose a huge number of challenges, including reworking a Legend without losing the essence of their original design.
