Modern Warfare 2 actually replaced EMPs with a meme

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developers, Infinity Ward, have made the decision to rework EMPs in the CoD 2022 game, replacing them with an internet meme that’s actually based on a very serious risk for gamers. 

EMPs are electromagnetic pulses that have been available in multiple Call of Duty titles, disabling enemy electronics for a period of time. This can give the aggressor an advantage momentarily, as they pursue the target – making the feature extremely popular in the community.

Well, something else that’s popular among CoD fans is the odd meme, which are often used to roast new changes or glitches in battle royales such as Warzone.

With that said, the developers have chosen to flip the script in Modern Warfare 2 by adding a meme (of sorts)of their own to the game, at the expense of EMPs. While it may be a meme, though, the new label represents a very dangerous possibility.

Modern Warfare 2 is coming out this October, with some interesting changes.

EMP has been replaced in MW2

The good news for those of you that enjoy EMPing other people is that the function itself is going nowhere. In fact, the feature is going to be given some pretty nifty upgrades in the upcoming game.

During a sneak peek preview event at Infinity Ward studios, Charlie Intel – a sister website for Dexerto – gained access to a hands-on experience with MW2. At the event, Multiplayer Design Directors Joe Cecot and Geoff Smith detailed a rework for the popular equipment item. 

It has been renamed. In MW2, it will be called: DDOS.

Now, while not everybody may get the reference at first glance, those who spend countless hours scrolling through Reddit or Twitch will see what they’ve done here. A DDOS is a form of cyberattack called denial-of-service, which basically makes the target unable to use a machine or network resource. For example, a DDOS attack on a Twitch streamer could mean their broadcast shuts down temporarily, or their service is disrupted indefinitely.

Despite its serious nature, many players can be seen discussing DDOS attacks in not-so-serious terms online.

How DDOS works in Modern Warfare 2

EMP Drones were Field Upgrades in Modern Warfare (2019).

In Modern Warfare 2, the DDOS will stall equipment or objects in its proximity. The in-game HUD will tell you if there are vehicles and equipment you can hit with it standing nearby. 

Interestingly, when hit with a DDOS, the driver of the various vehicles will see their car, boat, or helicopter freeze. From there, they will have the option – for example – to take that car back to a gas station to be repaired, or start up the engine if it’s still functioning once the DDOS attack is over. If this is the case, the driver gets a button prompt to restart the engine. 

The developers admitted that the name change was a direct result of internet memes, which is a cool tidbit for fans to take away.

In action, it sounds as if the newly renamed EMP will be as dangerous, and annoying, as ever.


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